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This is an informative site about the cricket ball and carrom ball. Cricket fans all over the world are aware of different kinds of bowling strategy. Among the different bowling strategies, the carrom ball is a unique one. This deals with the concept of a carrom ball in cricket which is not new and has been used by several bowlers in the past. The carrom ball delivery is a kind of delivery of the ball during a game of cricket where the ball is released in the same way as a striker is struck when people play a game of carrom. For delivering a carrom ball, the cricket ball is held in between the thumb and the index finger, by bending the middle finger behind the ball. When the bowler makes the delivery, his middle-finger snaps at the ball, forcing it out from his grip at high speed, releasing it the same way as striking the striker in a carrom board game. Also known as “sodukku” ball, this is one of the different deliveries of a ball. What makes the carrom ball exclusive is that is that you just can’t predict the outcome of a carrom ball. This kind of delivery makes it rather difficult for the batsmen because it is tough for him to judge how the ball is going to come to him. The carrom ball is an excellent bowling strategy that makes it difficult for the batsmen to handle. Therefore, this site gives you an idea of how the carrom ball is used in cricket.